Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Blog Pool

Well now that we have a blog I guess it's official, we've moved into married life. The blog is like the cherry on top, no matter that we pay utilities and share a bed, car, finances, etc etc.  The blog is what makes it really official. ;)

We were married on August 7th 2010 in the Mt. Timpanogos temple in Utah.  We had a blast on our honeymoon exploring California and Montana. We're now in Rexburg, Idaho where I'm finishing my last semester of classes.  Michael has about a year and a half left. 

We'll be moving to Arizona in January-just in time to beat the Rexburg winter-so I can do my student teaching.  Michael will be coming along, taking online classes while trying to find some temporary work.  I'm excited to revisit my old neighborhood where I grew up as well as seeing family.  Almost all of my extended family resides in Arizona and Mike hasn't met most of them so we'll be finding the time to visit and have some adventures.  I'm particularly excited to (hopefully) spend Easter at my grandparent's cabin in Flagstaff.  Ever since I can remember we always tried to make it to the cabin for Easter, it was like a family reunion every year for my mom's side. 

We look forward to comments and questions on our posts and hopefully we'll have weekly updates.


  1. I love it! We have a blog too. Very poorly updated, but it's I'm going to add you to my list. You two are so cute!

  2. Actually this is Sarah. Bryan would never speak like that. lol.

  3. Do they still have Easter at the cabin? Seems like I heard they didn't. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, you should totally be the Easter Bunny next year!

  4. Haha, I thought they did but it has been almost two years since that whole thing with the neighbors so maybe they don't but if they do...we are SO there!! (And I'll try but usually people call being the bunny years in advance)

  5. I'm so glad that you are getting your degree first. Where exactly in Arizona will you be living and teaching? I am looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving. Grandma
